#CollegeFootball#HowardsRock#EnterSandman Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2ktT5n5 What’s up guys I’m DeQwan Young and this is the Countdown. It’s college football season. I remember this feeling like it was yesterday, the days of reporting to camp, the camp naps, the camp fights, the first day of pads, all that good stuff. There’s a lot of tradition that goes into college football, whether it be pep rally’s fight songs, entrances you name it. So today we ask: What’s the Best College Football Traditions? Drop us a line in the comment section or send us a video to be featured in our next video. But for now, lets get to the Countdown Host: DeQwan Young Writer: DeQwan Young Follow us on Social Media Twitter: @QwantityMedia Instagram: @QwantityMedia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QwantityMedia/