Qwantity Media in the Impact Zone


I had a great week in early February filming with Wesley Richards and Lauren Richards a.k.a. Davey Richards and Angelina Love.  I met both while filming for Revolution Physical Therapy in Wexford, PA.  I filmed a six episode series about his rehab from his ACL injury and his future return to the ring (Watch below).  He reached out to me about filming some videos upon his return to Impact wrestling.  Quite naturally I responded with a resounding yes (I ran around the apartment screaming at the top of my lungs like Daniel Bryan).


Initially, the shoot was going to be some workout videos and more about their returns to television.  I was going to try to sneak an interview in, because that’s what I do.  Wes also mentioned a creepy video that Lauren wanted to shoot.

Filming with both superstars was amazing.  We had time to converse about their family, future projects, and put out a project with visuals that can be appreciated from all sides. The best part about this shoot was the “Creepy video” turning into visuals for the entrance video they used on Impact television.  Which is one of the most humbling opportunities in my young career.

The Impact tapings just wrapped this weekend and if I must say, the video looks great. This week it airs on Pop TV, 8 EST, so tune in. As for my work with Wes and Lauren, I produced a 15 minute mini-documentary on my time with them, and some footage of the shoot during those three days.

As for the min-documentary, check it out below.  Thanks again to Wes and Lauren, and remember Qwantity Equals Quality.

Posted in <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/category/blog/" rel="category tag">Blog</a>Tagged <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/angelina-love/" rel="tag">Angelina Love</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/davey-richards/" rel="tag">Davey Richards</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/impact-on-pop/" rel="tag">IMPACT ON POP</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/impact-wrestling/" rel="tag">Impact Wrestling</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/lauren-richards/" rel="tag">Lauren Richards</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/poptv/" rel="tag">PopTV</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/spike-tv/" rel="tag">Spike TV</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/tna/" rel="tag">TNA</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/tna-wrestling/" rel="tag">TNA Wrestling</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/wesley-richards/" rel="tag">Wesley Richards</a>, <a href="https://deqwanyoung.com/tag/wrestling/" rel="tag">Wrestling</a>

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